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Five Alarm Neighbor Page 3

  He'd wanted to eat her, lick up her juices, hear her cries as she came. But he wasn't going to make it. Not this time. Next time. Tomorrow night he'd take his time with her. Learn all her flavors and scents. Tonight he'd embarrass himself if he tried to hold off too long.

  "You are very naughty,” he said as he crawled toward her.

  She shook her head, squeezed her eyes shut as if in fear. But her lips curled slightly.

  "You don't follow directions worth a damn."

  "I do. I promise."

  "You lie, too."

  "No,” she whispered.

  He straddled her and propped his hands on either side of her head. When his cock rubbed against her downy fur, he barely stopped another groan from breaking free.

  "Look at me."

  She shook her head.

  "Look at me or you won't come tonight."

  Her eyes popped open, their green depths sparkling. He held her gaze a few seconds, then let his slide over a slender neck to lush, white breasts with dark, hard nipples. Knowing she watched him closely, he leaned down and drew one between his lips. She cried out and thrust against him.

  "Don't fucking move,” he growled. With every bit of willpower he possessed, he forced the pressure riding his balls to back down. He wasn't ready yet. She wasn't ready yet. He wanted to come with her. Inside her.

  "Please, sir,” she panted.

  He slowly licked the nipple and then blew on it, watching it harden even more. “Please, sir, what, Gracie dear?"

  "Please fuck me, sir."

  "Naughty language, Gracie dear. That's not very nice talk, is it?"

  He sucked her tit into his mouth and ground his cock against her pubic bone.

  She screamed and her nails bit into his thighs.

  With a hiss, he grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head. “Not nice to hurt me, either."

  "Fuck me,” she growled. Her eyes blazed with animal heat. Her teeth gnashed together. Her entire body vibrated. When he went for the other nipple, she bucked and moaned. He sucked harder, making her scream in passionate frustration. “I hate you!"

  "Are you wet now, Gracie dear?” he asked with a smirk, even though he knew she was. He could smell her sex, could feel the hot juices against his balls.


  "Very good.” He grabbed up the condom and ripped the packet. “Put it on me."

  With shaky fingers—thank God he wasn't the only one here about ready to burst—she rolled the rubber over his dick. His eyes damn near rolled back in his head.

  "Now,” she commanded, drawing his attention back to her sprawled beneath him. Ready and wanting.

  He chuckled. He wished the game could last longer, but he was too close. Still, he had a role to play. “Who's the boss, here, Gracie dear?"

  She narrowed her eyes at him, slashed her fingers through his hair and pulled his face close to hers. “If you don't fuck me right this second, I'm going to hurt you."

  What the lady wants, the lady gets, he thought as he ground his mouth against hers, shoved his tongue between her teeth, tasting beer and lust.

  She moaned and bucked. Her fingernails bit into his scalp and the pain added to his pleasure.

  Shoving her thighs wide, he made one quick swipe with his hand to make sure she was ready. He found her slick, wet. Perfect. In one hard thrust he drove all the way into her.

  She pulled her mouth from his and screamed. Her hips rose to meet him and her nails dug into his shoulders.

  It took every bit of self-control not to come on the spot. She was so damn tight! With her head thrown back, her face tight with unleashed passion, she was a fire-haired goddess. A goddess under his command.

  Slowly, so slowly he pulled out. She mewled and her nails scored his back. Sweat beaded his brow as he tried to control his breathing.

  "More,” she demanded.

  He slammed into her again, and again she screamed. The sound tore through him, almost shattering his will.

  She reared up and bit his shoulder. Hard.

  He grunted and pushed her down on the bed, his big hands covering her breasts, pinching her nipples. “Beg for it."

  "Please,” she cried, as he pushed the head of his cock inside and stopped.

  "What do you want, Gracie dear? Tell me exactly what you want."

  Her eyes opened, her gaze bore into his. “I want everything you have and more.” Her voice was raspy, strained. “I want to be fucked harder than you've ever fucked another woman. I want ever inch of your dick deep inside me, and I want to feel you come."

  He pulled out of her. If he hadn't, her words alone would have sent him over the edge. He flipped her onto her stomach, shoved the pillows under her hips so her ass stuck up in the air. “Grab the headboard Gracie. You asked for it."

  She gripped the top of the headboard and spread her legs wide, showing him everything he needed to die a happy man. He loved the sight of her tight round ass, her hot, pink pussy.

  "Hurry,” she pleaded.

  He leaned over and nipped her right cheek. She squealed and jerked away. Grabbing her waist to keep her still, he bit the left one. She moaned and shoved back against him.

  One taste, he thought as he buried his face against her folds and lapped up her sweet liquid. “So good.” He pushed his tongue into her, and she moved against his face.

  He gripped his cock and pressed against his balls to keep from coming. He was so damned close.

  He flicked her clit with the tip of his tongue, and she squirmed. “Again,” she demanded.

  He sucked her hot little clit between his lips. She cried out and her body tensed. He went up on his knees, positioned himself behind her and rubbed the tip of his cock along her slick folds.

  "Don't be an asshole."

  He chuckled. “Tell me again, Gracie dear."

  "Hard. Damn you, Steve. Hard!"

  He slapped her ass.


  He slapped again, knew it stung, but she laughed, deep and throaty. He wished he could see her face. Even before he'd thought of her as a sex toy, her sweet face had always been stunning.

  "You ready, Gracie dear?"

  She looked at him over her shoulder, her eyes narrowed. “If you don't do it now, I'm going to get Stanley out of the drawer and do it myself."

  He chuckled. He could guess who Stanley might be. Damned if she'd use a dildo while he was here. Not tonight, anyway.

  Rubbing his hand over the smooth, warm skin of her ass, he couldn't get over how perfect she was. Hoping he'd gotten himself under control, he slowly slid the tip of his penis into her hot, tight pussy.

  Her arms shook as she held on to the headboard. He rocked back and forth, entering only an inch or so, pulling away.

  "Don't you know how to follow directions?” Gracie snarled one second before she thrust backward and took him all the way in.

  The laugh died on his lips as she rocked forward then slammed back against him. A groan tore from his throat, and he ground his balls against her. “Yeah, baby."

  She pulled away, and he jerked her back. A little purr came from her as he withdrew yet again. He didn't want kitty noises from her. He wanted loud, long screams of passion. He crashed into her, causing her to moan. Not nearly loud enough. Gripping her hips, holding her still, he pulled back, then pounded into her as hard as he could. Again and again in a hot, hard, pulsating rhythm.

  Her back bowed, her arms went straight as she held herself still for his beating. Still she didn't make a sound.

  His balls smacked against her clit, his body making a satisfying slap against her ass with each thrust. He gritted his teeth and held back his own release. Sweat ran down his chest, and Gracie's back glistened with her own.

  "Harder!” she demanded. “Deeper!"

  He ground against her with each deep penetration. No woman had ever taken so much of him. Wanted so much from him. Gracie, hot little Gracie wanted it all and more.

  Releasing his control, he attacked. With a sound he didn
't recognize as his own, he came down on top of her, grabbed her breasts and took her hard and fast and unleashed. The new position made her pussy even tighter and he shouted in exquisite pain.

  When Gracie screamed, he went over the edge. The world shattered and went black. All he could hear were Gracie's cries. All he could feel was the tight milking of her muscles around his cock. All he could smell was sweet, sweet sex and Gracie's musky, damp skin.

  Chapter Five

  Gracie sucked in huge breaths. Her limbs were weak and heavy. Even her head felt like a brick as she turned it so her face wasn't buried in the mattress. Steve's hands still held her breasts in a loose grip. His face nuzzled the back of her neck. The weight of his body felt luscious, better than any fantasy she'd made up.

  "I think I died,” Steve mumbled against her hair.

  Gracie drew in a quick breath as she felt his penis slowly slide out of her. She chuckled. “Heaven or Hell?"

  His fingers flexed around her nipples. “Heaven. Definitely Heaven.” He rolled off her and onto his back, his arm flopping to his side as if he, too, had just had the best sex of his life.

  She studied his features as they relaxed into the little boy softness that always brought a smile to her lips. His eyes closed and his lips parted slightly. His chest rose and fell with the effort of regaining his strength. She grinned, feeling triumphant. Never in her life had she thought she could be quite so wanton or say the things to a man that she'd said to him.

  One eye peeked open, a royal blue flash against his brown lashes. A grin split his face. “You look thoroughly satisfied, Gracie dear."

  She raised one eyebrow, the only part of her body she could move. “So do you, sir."

  He chuckled and rolled to sit on the edge of the bed. She envied him that he wasn't as weak as she felt. Worn out, she corrected. Completely done in. Usually she could come three or four times with Stanley before she was relaxed enough to sleep, but right now, as her eyelids drifted shut, she felt as if she were floating on a big fluffy cloud. Her fingers and toes still tingled. Tiny electric aftershocks shot from her crotch with just the slightest tensing of her muscles. She sighed.

  The bed jiggled a bit as Steve stood. She listened as his clothing rustled, and then he strode out of the room. She wouldn't have minded a little cuddling, she thought absently as she floated on her warm, pink cloud. Oh well.

  The bed dipped and she forced her eyes open. The light had been turned off, and all she could see now was his silhouette, a deeper shadow in the darkness. “Forget somethin'?"

  He chuckled. “You sleep like that, you're going to be a tangled mess of complaining muscles in the morning.” He slipped one pillow from beneath her belly, then the other.

  "Thanks,” she mumbled as she settled into the mattress. Even her tongue felt heavy.

  The bed dipped again and then he was pulling her against him. “Come here, babe."

  A slow grin played at her lips as she snuggled against him, her head in the hollow of his shoulder. “Don't you have company you should see to?” she asked around a yawn.

  "Naw. Listen.” His thickly muscled arm slid around her back.

  "I don't hear anything.” Nothing but the strong, steady beat of his heart under her ear.

  "The stereo's off. Chances are they're all crashed out in my house. Someone usually takes my bed if I'm not in it."

  Gracie chuckled and edged her leg over his thigh. “So you'd have no place to sleep, huh?"

  "If you threw me out now, I'd have to crash in my truck. I could freeze to death."

  She ran her hand through the light patch of springy hair on his chest. “Make for a bad headline,” she murmured. “Fireman freezes to death after sex."

  "The best sex of his life,” Steve said through a chuckle that rumbled from his chest. Gracie shivered and scooted closer to him.

  "Mine too."

  "Been wanting to get my hands on you for months."


  Another rumble.

  "Did she break your heart?"

  Gracie didn't know where that question came from, or why it was important that he really wasn't suffering over that blonde bimbo. But it was. She didn't want him to hurt. He'd find someone else. Someone who'd cherish him like he should be cherished.

  "Say goodnight, Gracie,” was his answer.

  "G'night, Gracie."

  The last thought she had before she drifted off to sleep was that she wouldn't mind being the one to cherish him, not if that meant spending the rest of her life wrapped in his strong, safe arms.

  * * * *

  Something soft, warm and wet tickled the skin between her shoulder blades. She squirmed. It licked her lower back. She moaned and pulled the pillow over her head. Something sharp stung her ass.

  "Hey!” She jerked away and rolled onto her side.

  Steve's deep laughter sent spirals of heat through her. Predawn light streamed in through the window, casting his boyish smile in cool gray shadows. Her breath caught in her throat. He hadn't left yet.

  "What's with you biting my butt?” she asked, forcing a frown.

  With a wide grin, he sprawled next to her, his penis jutting out, proud as could be. “Never had my mouth on such a delectable ass before. Can't seem to get enough."

  She pressed her lips together, but couldn't completely stifle her smile. Reaching out, she ran her hand over his rippling abs. “I didn't get to do much exploring last night,” she said, her voice unnaturally husky.

  He rolled to his back, propped his hands behind his head. “By all means, Gracie dear, explore away."

  Trailing her finger over his stomach, she reached the tip of his cock. He was huge. Squeezing her thighs together, reveling in the return of her arousal, she rubbed her finger over the silky tip. A tiny drop of moisture glistened in the wake of her touch.

  "Just one little problem with your plan, babe."

  Gracie raised her gaze to his, saw his lips tip up in that wicked little grin. “What problem?"

  "If you start playing now, I guarantee you're going to be late for work."

  She jerked her head to the side and glared at the clock. “Oh, shit.” She scrambled over Steve, earning a grunt from him, and dashed for the bathroom. First period class started in forty-five minutes. Shit, shit, shit. She had a half hour to get to the school.

  Jumping into the shower before the water was hot, she yelped and silently cursed Steve for letting her oversleep, even though she was the one who forgot to set the alarm last night. She shampooed, conditioned, soaped and rinsed in record time. When she threw back the shower curtain, Steve was there with a towel and a teasing gleam in those baby blues.

  "Not one word, mister, or you'll pay."

  "Promises, promises,” he muttered as he shook out the towel and tossed it at her before he turned and walked out of the bathroom. Still naked. Wide muscular shoulders, long torso tapering to narrow hips. Tight ass and thick thighs. He was so gorgeous. Made her hot, tingly. Wet and ready for another round.

  He rounded the corner out of sight, and she pulled her thoughts back to the day ahead of her. Damn, she hadn't even graded the three term papers she'd brought home. She'd have to do it during her lunch hour.

  She dried quickly, dragged her brush through her hair and pulled it back into a wet ponytail. She didn't have time for anything else. One last look in the mirror. Forget the makeup, too. Dashing into her bedroom she pulled clean panties, bra and socks from the top drawer of her bureau and jerked them on. She grabbed a pair of jeans and a green blouse from the closet, and then picked up her shoes from the floor before heading into the living room.

  The television was on, the morning news rambling low. She wiggled into her jeans and buttoned her blouse. Steve stood in her kitchen wrapping something in tinfoil. Fuck, did the guy walk around his own house naked? She hadn't gone as far as turning into a Peeping Thomasina, but she just might start if she could see this every morning.

  She chuckled as she sat down and pulled her socks on.
r />   "Something funny?” Steve asked, coming toward her.

  "Don't you have somewhere to be?” He was lethal, and she didn't have the time she wanted to admire his bod. His dick was semi-erect, and she briefly wondered if he'd taken care of things while she was in the shower. Or maybe that was his natural state?

  "Nope. Off for the next two days. Coffee?” he asked, holding a travel mug out to her.

  She stood and yanked up the zipper of her jeans. “Thanks. Need it.” She took the mug from him and rushed to the counter where she'd dropped her bags the night before. She spun around searching for her keys.

  She hated being unprepared. Finding her keys, she snatched them up. And she hated being late. She aimed an accusatory glare at Steve.

  "Whoa, there, Gracie. Don't bite.” He chuckled and handed her a tinfoil package. “Left over pizza. For lunch."

  Something in her chest went a little soft. Something that wasn't supposed to get soft around Steve. “Thanks,” she said quietly and stuffed it in her bag. She turned to grab her coat.

  "What time will you be home tonight?” he asked, then took a sip from one of her floral coffee mugs. The dainty cup looked very breakable in his big hands.

  "Listen, Steve.” She zipped her jacket. “I'm not looking for anything ... long term. I mean, I...” Her voice faded. She threw her hands out, not knowing how to tell the guy he was a great piece of ass, but that's all she wanted.

  Steve chuckled and kissed the tip of her nose. “You don't need to look so terrified, Gracie dear.” He grabbed her, pulling her body flush against his.

  Gazing into his eyes, she witnessed the change that overcame him—palpable and animalistic. His eyes darkened. His facial muscles tightened.

  "I'm just not done with you yet.” His mouth attacked hers, his tongue invading to tangle with hers. Gracie's body betrayed her. She grabbed his shoulders, hung on for support as her knees went weak and her pussy throbbed.

  "Are you done with me?” he asked when he raised his head.

  She couldn't speak, her mouth incapable of forming an answer. All she could do was shake her head.

  He winked, the boyish grin back in place. “Didn't think so.” He let go of her and stepped back.